Tuesday, February 19, 2013

My Message

i chose this quote from the great Michael Jordan because he is an idol of mine and a great NBA legend and his work effort to be the greatest is something im trying to pursue to work hard at what i want to do with my life. This famous quote of his struck my eye because the quote is very true because if you do things half done or dont go 100% at everything you do you will get half hearted results. and that says a lot about how people should live their lives by and most importantly how i should live mines.

final rhyhtm of afteraffects

Flash Rhythm

Monday, February 11, 2013

Dreamscape Video

I produced a couple of pictures from online and combined them together to create a video thats simples war and battle. I believe my motion video is very successful and symbolizes the story of my dream.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

memories of previous dreams in my lifetime

* me in a war going to combat shooting killing and me getting shot at. Also people dying right in front of me and some of my friends were in the war with me and some of them died. then me and other soldiers were stcuk and surrounded by the enemies and before anything happen to me i woke up.

*another dream is me playing in the NFL for the New York Giants and facing the greenbay packers. the game was a tough and exiting game both teams going at it and alot of glimpes were me making tackles and getting an interception and making plays to hlp the team win. then there were 40 seconds left and the other team were driving down the field on us with the game tied and then they were throwing a passing play and i was covering a wide receiver and read the route he was doing and the quarter threw the pass towards us and i made a play on the ball and caught the interception. while keeping my balance to stay on my feet i started to run toard sthe endzone and making moves and shaking defenders and running into the endzone for the game winning score.

Class Evaluation Week2 1B

My emotion i tried to convey was hyperactive and my classmates evaluated my emotion and said their thoughts and said it was excited, exuberant, discombobulated, and chaotic. fromt here thoughts i believe my emotion was successful because their thoughts are somewhat another way to say hyperactive.

Line emotion excerise

for my linear line emotion i tried to convey the emotion of hyperactive. I chose hyperactive from my girlfriend which she's always hype and seem to never stop moving around like she has A.D.H.D.. so to show this emotion i made the line present itself s going very fast and very crazy to show that she very indecisive.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Week 1 2b

today we learned how to use adobe flash cs6 and to create a video. We started on are project during class of the linear representation of movement using just a line. we also took notes on important information key frames and adobe flash.